Why Mary Magdalene?
Mary Magdalene was a woman mentioned in the Bible as having been delivered of seven demons (Luke 8:2, Mark 16:9). Rather that attempt to identify the seven demons and their significance, it seems beneficial to simply note that there were seven demons. In scripture,...
read moreReligion
I believe everyone has a problem with religion – just not their religion. The Torah was given to identify sin (Romans 5:13), and during the time of Jesus religious Pharisee and Sadducee factions had issues with the behavior of Jesus based on their strict adherence and...
read moreGod Embraces Imperfection
We know that God created the universe and could have fashioned a lineage of perfection for himself. He did not. In the lineage of Christ there is imperfection. Tamar tricked her father-in-law into having intercourse, whereby she became pregnant, and produced a son,...
read moreMoses
Exodus chapters 3 and 4 tell the story of Moses being called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Chapter 4 begins with Moses expressing his uncertainty. “But Moses spoke up and said, “What if they [Israelites] do not believe me and do not listen to me but say: ‘The...
read moreWheat and Tares
Matthew 13, verses 24-30 and 37-43 is the parable of the wheat and tares and the explanation of its meaning. In essence, the parable cautions the field workers about attempting to separate the wheat from tares before the harvest. Jesus then clarifies that this...
read moreWe All Fall Short
Paul writes, “I don't understand my own behavior - I don't do what I want to do; instead, I do the very thing I hate!” (Romans 7:15, Complete Jewish Bible) I want to shout, ME TOO PAUL! After seeking forgiveness, there is often an extended period of time in which we...
read moreCounting
The account of King David’s adulterous affair with Bathsheba, which ultimately led to the murder of her husband Uriah, is a well documented failure on the part of David (II Samuel 11). We know David sincerely repented when reproved by the prophet Nathan, and suffered...
read moreShowing Off
II Kings 18 reports Hezekiah became king of Judah at the age of 25 and reigned 29 years. “He did what was pleasing to the Lord, just as his father David had done.” (II Kings 18:3, Tanakh) King David was described by God as a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22). That...
read moreGod is Not Temperamental
Why bring up the mistakes of great men in the Bible who clearly loved God? To demonstrate God is not temperamental and does not abandon His children when they fail. When we belong to God, He sees beyond our weaknesses and failures and is faithful. “The Lord has...
read moreForsaken
The love of God is not something that is easily understood if we have never felt love in our lifetime. Being unwanted and rejected can wreak havoc on our psyche. It doesn’t have to be overt, physical rejection, it can be emotional – that subtle understanding that you...
read moreCompassion
While on this earth Jesus had a very powerful healing and miracle working ministry, although beyond the physical manifestations that confirmed Jesus was the Son of God and promised Messiah, was the ministry of compassion. Jesus came to save the lost (Luke 19:10), and...
read moreLie Down!
In Ezekiel 34 the prophet Ezekiel is told to prophesy “against the shepherds...Tell them, the shepherds, that Adonai Elohim [the Lord God] says this: ‘Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Shouldn’t the shepherds feed the sheep?” (Ezekiel 34:2, Complete...
read moreBelonging
Belonging goes beyond love. It’s a deep connection in a relationship that cannot change – it just is. There is no fear of abandonment, but rather a certain confidence that you are not only loved but accepted. It’s human nature to have a desire to belong, and God wants...
read moreMessianic Communities
We are now at the threshold of the Great Tribulation. The 'church' paradigm was not God’s intent or design. He wanted communities with genuine concern for each other, meeting together to encourage and support one another, rather than attend church on Sundays to sing,...
read moreShe Loved Him
“Go in through the narrow gate; for the gate that leads to destruction is wide and the road is broad, and many travel it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14, Complete Jewish Bible) Only a few? Noah,...
read moreThe Parable of Proverbs 7
For I was at the window of my house,glancing out through the lattice,when I saw among the young men there,among those who don’t think for themselves,a young fellow devoid of all sense.He crosses the street near her cornerand continues on toward her house.Dusk turns...
read moreʾĒl ʿElyōn – God Most High
God the Father, God Most HighMessiah Yeshua, Son of GodHoly Spirit, Counselor, Comforter Doctrine of the Trinity has been around for centuries. After searching for any scripture that would state unequivocally that ‘God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit’...
read moreOur Inmost Thoughts
“Again Yeshua said, “A man had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the estate that will be mine.’ So the father divided the property between them. As soon as he could convert his share into cash, the younger son left home...
read morePray for Those You Love
God always intended that Jews and Gentiles would become a single community; a joint body. “In past generations it was not made known to mankind as the Spirit is now revealing it to his emissaries and prophets, that in union with the Messiah and through the Good News...
read moreThe Secret
Scripture is rich in truth, and it is life. Finding truth is an individual journey and can only be found with the guidance of the Spirit of God. Simply following the tenets of any religion will not lead to the depth of truth that results in really knowing God. Billy...
read moreBecome Like Children
“Yes! I tell you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it!” (Mark 10:15, Complete Jewish Bible) The text is not referring to behavior such as temper tantrums, for example, which are generally associated with 2-year-olds (although...
read moreAn Amnesic God?
As I’ve alluded to in previous posts, I was raised with some dubious beliefs about God. One such belief purports that God actually forgets our sins – as in cannot even remember them – which is a convenient 'truth' for anyone who chooses to continue in sin, believing,...
read moreAttitude
Joseph was mistreated by his brothers; first thrown into a cistern and then sold to merchants on their way to Egypt (Genesis 37:18-28). Joseph, although mistreated by his brothers, became a trusted and devoted servant to Potiphar (Genesis 39:2-4), and when he was...
read moreOur Only Hope
The book of Hebrews references Old Testament scripture to make the case that Yeshua is the Messiah and a “cohen [priest] forever, to be compared to Malki-Tzedek [Melchizedek]” (Hebrews 5:6, Psalms 110:4). The Jewish people had priests who performed ceremonial duties...
read moreJealousy
At times the King James Version of the Bible interprets the word ‘envy’ for the word ‘jealous.’ It’s important to understand the difference between envy and jealousy. The concordance of my King James Bible defines envy this way: “discontent or resentment because of...
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